
Study Away Courses from Previous Years

Virginia Wesleyan students at Carnegie Hall, 2014

APMU 111: Virginia Wesleyan Singers

Description:The Virginia Wesleyan Singers performed at Carnegie Hall in April 2018 under the direction of Prof. Bryson Mortensen, the conductor of the 125-member choir. This course enabled the choir to prepare for the performance.

VWU art student in New Zealand, January 2011. Photograph by Prof. Sharon Swift.

ART 307: Travel Photography

Description: This studio art course features on-location photography with travel. The highlight of the course is international travel. Past destinations include New Zealand, London, Paris, and Amsterdam. Photography fieldwork also takes advantage of VWU’s great location with travel to the Virginia Beach resort area, N.C. Outer Banks, and Colonial Williamsburg. Students create photo essays, learn advanced features of digital cameras, and use Adobe Photoshop and Light room to edit images.

Dayna Cook snorkeling in Belize, January 2009. Photograph by Prof. Maynard Schaus.

BIO/EES 375: Topics in Tropical Biology

Description: An intensive field experience in neotropical ecosystems (coral reef, rainforests, a cloud forest, mangrove swamps, etc.) that links ecological phenomena with social and historical factors to examine the conservation of biodiversity. Field activities require moderately strenuous exercise and considerable hiking. The course is open to both science and non-science majors.

Monika Metro '19 (Biology) conducting arachnid analysis in San Ignancio, Belize, June 2018. Anonymous photographer.

BIO 489: Biodiversity of Harvestmen in Puerto Rico

Description: In this intensive research course, students explore the large variety of biodiversity that exists on the island of Puerto Rico. Students explore rainforests, swamps, and more. Field activities require moderate strenuous exercise and considerable hiking.

Virginia Wesleyan chemistry students working in the National Institute for Standards and Technology lab, Washington, D.C, January 2020. Photograph by Prof. Maury Howard

CHEM 455: Measurement Science

Description: This course introduces students to metrology as it applies to global commerce, measurement systems, and measurement standards. Students approach the material from the perspective of a scientist who produces and certifies measurement standards. Students engage in measurement practices with scientists at the U.S. metrology institute, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Students investigate how industrial chemists ensure compliance with product specifications in a commercial laboratory.

Criminal Justice students at Alcatraz, California, May 2016. Anonymous photographer.

CJ 215: Study Away Course in Criminal Justice

Description: This course offers students the opportunity to study various criminal justice systems first hand. Destinations include Alcatraz and London.

Virginia Wesleyan students at Disney World, January 2017. Photograph by Kathy Merlock Jackson

COMM 333: Walt Disney’s America

Description: An investigation of the role of Disney in American culture.

Virginia Wesleyan students and Profs. Larkin and Malone in New York City, January 2017. Anonymous photographer.

ENG 248/348: Topics in Travel Writing

Description: Travel writing is an immensely popular and successful genre. Good travel writing weaves together research, experience, and vivid description. As a field, it is an interesting area to study because it incorporates conventions and styles from many genres. This course considers the complex genre questions surrounding travel writing and then delves into the writing itself. Time is spent researching our destination, planning itineraries, reading current travel writing and, of course, writing your own texts. Travel writing is also, undeniably, an exploration of the self as much as it of your destination.  Be prepared to challenge yourself to reflect on your experiences and responses to the journey. Previous destinations include New York City and London.

Austin Edmonds ‘20 (Communication) in Haines, Alaska, June 2017. Photograph by Prof. Lawrence Hultgren.

ENVS 283: Seminar in Alaska: Sustainability

Description: This is an intensive study of the coastal ecology of the south coast of Alaska. Students get to study in real time the emerging ecological problems associated with the changing climate and have a multicultural experience as they participate in activities with the Tlingit first nation, learning how to see and experience the environment through the lens of the Tlingit experience.

Virginia Wesleyan students on the Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic, January 2017. Photograph by Prof. Sara Sewell.

HIST 262: History of Prague

Description: This course investigates the history of various European cities, including Berlin, Paris, London, Vienna, and Prague. In January 2019, we explored the history of Prague from its founding in the tenth century, through its existence as the capital of Czechoslovakia in the twentieth century, finally to its current post-communist life. The course employs Prague, one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, as a text to examine Czech identity and memory throughout the centuries.

Virginia Wesleyan students at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, 2014. Photograph by Prof. Sara Sewell.

HIST 262: History of the European City: Berlin

Description:This course investigates the history of various European cities, including Berlin, Paris, London, Vienna, and Prague. In January 2018, we examined the history of Berlin, focusing on the twentieth century. Berlin has been at the center of Germany’s tumultuous past for many decades. Through a study of Berlin’s historical landscape, including memorials, museums, architecture, and ruins, students examine the public debates that surround Berlin’s and Germany’s past.

Jenna Serna ‘18 in London, England, U.K., January 2017.

HUM 201: Travel in the Humanities

Description: Students are given the opportunity to experience and explore the humanities in London. The course includes tours of local attractions, historical sites, attendance at theatrical performances, and museums. In both classroom activities and the tour, students are given a new perspective on a city rich with historical and cultural diversity.

Virginia Wesleyan students in Berlin, Germany, summer 2018. Photograph by Prof. Antje Schwennicke.

POLS 318: Germany in a Changing World

Description: This course provides an introduction to German politics over the past 70 years. It relates Germany’s history to international developments, focusing on the political development of Berlin.

Virginia Wesleyan students in the Netherlands, January 2017. Anonymous photographer.

PSY 305: History of Psychopathology in Europe

Description: An examination of psychology in cultural settings in Europe.

Virginia Wesleyan students and Prof. Lindvall in the UK, May 2016. Anonymous photographer.

RELST 352/452: Seminar in Lewis & Tolkien

Description: Study the works of C. S. Lewis & J. R. R. Tolkien where they lived and wrote.

Virginia Wesleyan students and Prof. Lindvall in the UK, May 2016. Anonymous photographer.

RELST 361/461 Topics in Religion: Scottish and English Reformations

Description: An excursion to Scotland and England to study the Protestant reform movements of John Knox, Thomas Cranmer, John Wesley, and a little bit of CS Lewis. 

Virginia Wesleyan students at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel, 10 January 2020. Photograph by Elad Vazana.

RELST 361: Ancient to Modern Israel

Description: This course travels to Israel, a land whose history and sites offer a unique opportunity to explore the history and development of biblical literature, as well as the three major monotheistic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

VWU students at the National Institute of Health, Washington, D.C. October 2017. Photograph by Prof. Kathy Stolley.

SOC 215: Story of Medicine

Description: Acknowledging that health, illness, the practice of medicine, and medical institutions are matters not only of biology but also society and culture, this course provides a sociological examination of medicine and medical knowledge. Students visit locations in Washington, D.C. that combine to tell the story of medicine and how medical knowledge is created, ranging from historical perspectives to cutting-edge research.

Virginia Wesleyan students in Mexico. January 2016. Anonymous photographer.

SPAN 219/319: Seminar in Hispanic Culture

Description: Course combines class instruction with travel to the Mayan World in the Yucatan Peninsula to examine Latin American cultures.

VWU students share the aloha spirit with the Kipahulu Ohana, Maui, Hawaii, January 2019. Anonymous photographer.

SRM 348: Maui Sea to Sky: Adventure Travel's Impact on Culture and The Environment

Description: This course examines the impact that adventure travel has on culture and the environment. To study the impact, students travel to Maui. These trips help students to understand how tourist activities affect culture, the economy, and preservation of the environment.

Virginia Wesleyan theatre students in New York City, January 2013. Anonymous photographer.

TH 270/370: Theatre Seminar

Description: This course examines culture and business in London. As a top global destination, London serves as the backdrop for exploring the interdependent nature of business and culture. Students undertake group and independent experiences that explore the connections between research, on-site experience, and informed reflection and criticism.